COVID-secure festivals with TicketSellers

With the everchanging lockdown restrictions and the security of your favourite events being brought into question, there’s never been a more important time to provide some reassurance for event organisers, suppliers, and even attendees to keep in the know. With this in mind, we’ve created a website to act as a one-stop shop for all things considering COVID in the festival industry.

The site collates relevant industry news, featuring articles sourced from trusted outlets reporting on the latest COVID-related events. Alongside this, the website clearly outlines issues that organisers are likely to encounter post-pandemic, and what solutions we can offer to combat this. This, as well as frequent guest articles from other industry professionals, is going to make a very necessary tool for organisers and suppliers in the months to come.

Recommended by The Association of Festival Organisers, forms a hub of resources and knowledge for industry professionals when navigating events post-COVID. This year, we’ve shifted our focus to where we excel - to independent festivals. After making a number of changes to our ticketing system to improve our promoter control panel, it became clear that this wasn’t enough in offering support to our clients, nor in displaying what it is we can offer to prospective organisers.

If you’re curious to know how we can support you as an organiser, get in touch with us today on 0121 472 6688 or