Noisily Festival

Noisily offers an alternative to mainstream festival culture, an inclusive haven where underground music thrives and self expression flourishes.

Grounded in 5 core pillars, they strive to keep learning, and to share that knowledge and information with the crowd of intelligent and open-minded people who make the festival what it is:

Inclusion: Diversity is inviting people to the party, inclusion is getting them on the dance floor. We want everyone to feel welcome at Noisily.

The Environment: Noisily commits to protect and conserve the local environment setting an example in order to inspire our community to live consciously year round.

Wellness and Education: We are dedicated to acting as a leading light in the UK’s festival wellness scene; an alternative learning center rooted in holistic and spiritual practices.

Community: We are more than just 4,000 people in the woods for 4 days, we are a family. We will support and guide our community to a better future.

Creativity: Noisily is a platform for music, arts, psychedelic culture and creative weirdness.

Whilst rooted in the electronic music scenes, Noisily is a holistic environment which feeds the mind, body and soul. It’s a celebration of psychedelic art and culture in a society which is increasingly looking within for happiness and fulfilment, and away from material goods and money as the definition of success.

Set in the rolling hills of the Leicestershire countryside, 20 minutes from Market Harborough. Noisily is in a beautiful wooded valley, it’s a bit rough around the edges and hilly, which makes it a little difficult to get around, but we love it and think you will too! The organisers have constructed lots of roads and more accessible areas, which you can find out more about in their accessibility info.

Tickets for Noisily are on sale now, here.