What's not to love about bank holidays?

The second bank holiday in May already feels like an age ago, but we’d like to share with you some of the amazing events we were at. These 3 all sold tickets with us but also used eventree to manage applications to work or perform at the event and in the case of Pride, to manage the huge number of local residents who needed to be accredited as they live inside the festival area!

Birmingham Pride was bigger and brighter than ever with glorious weather helping to swell the crowds on Sunday too. Despite having a narrow space to work in as the floats squeeze past the wristband exchange lanes, we managed to process all pre-paid customers with almost no queue time at all.

We headed south to look after the lovely people at Innocent Unplugged in Kent, accrediting all their customers, crew and their cars quickly and securely. Our final excursion was down to Bath and our man on site, DJ said “Shindig set the bar extremely high. Wonderful people, great music and an all round fantastic weekend.” eventree is being used by event organisers nationwide to help streamline the organisation of their events. Have a look and see if it could benefit you too.