Since loads of you are using Eventree's application forms to recruit volunteers, traders and even performers, we thought you'd like to know about two new features which could help you out in 2018.
1) Application form payments
Ever wanted to take a payment from people at the point they complete their application form? For example, you could ask your volunteers for a deposit up front to make sure they're serious about helping you out.
Eventree makes this really simple, and best of all the money goes straight into your account!
First, create your application form as usual, then publish it by setting up the application type. When you're creating the application type you'll notice this new checkbox:

If you tick it you'll unlock a whole load of new options:

Now follow the instructions in the blue box within your own PayPal account to get started, and put the following information into these fields in Eventree:
Payment Amount: enter an amount here if you want to collect a fixed amount from people (e.g. £50)
Payment Amount Element: pick a field on your application form here if you want to use a calculated amount (e.g. to charge people different amounts depending on their answers to questions)
PayPal Username: put the email address for the PayPal account that you want the money to go to.
That's it - it's so simple and you can be collecting deposit payments from people in minutes.
2) Hidden application form fields
Second, we have a quick feature which some of you have been asking for. When you add a field to your application form you can now mark it as hidden:

This means that people filling in the form won't see it, but when you edit the application yourself later on you will. So you can add notes to forms after you've reviewed them, upload your own documents to a form, enter financial amounts etc...
We really hope you enjoy and benefit from these additions to Eventree. Good luck with your applications for 2018!