Meet the team (part 4)

It's June, the sun is shining (sort of) and the team at TheTicketSellers is bravely starting to wear shorts and other summer attire to work.

Here are two more members of our rather fantastic team for you to get to know.


When she's not studying for her degree in Pharmacy at The University of Birmingham, Harriet is a star in the operations team. Not only does she provide exceptional customer service in our call centre, she also ventures on site to ensure our festivals run smoothly.

Likes: Aubergines, running, travelling, red wine, beetroot, mustard

Dislikes: Mushrooms, cinnamon, passive aggressiveness

Favourite film: Kill Bill

Favourite band: Fleetwood mac

My two desert island items: Ipod, encyclopaedia

Strengths: Human biology

Superpower: Flying - planes are expensive and travelling is fun


Chris is our Software Architect and has overall responsibility for architecting our various software products. He and his team are currently working on some very exciting changes to our main website, when they're not killing each other in various online video games.

Likes: Indoor rock climbing, computer games, spaghetti bolognese, budweiser, prettying anything zombie related

Dislikes: Mud, DIY, lemonade in beer

Favourite film: Aliens

Favourite band: Sevendust

My two desert island items: PS4 + MP3 player

Strengths: Excellent communications skills with passion for creating great software

Superpower: Ability to fly so I could travel the world with ease, and it would be sooo much fun :)

Want to see more ridiculously talented and possibly ridiculously looking people? Check out our staff profiles on our website.