Movers and shakers

Eventree users listen up!

Did you know that you can move individuals from one part of the system to another?

It's a new enhancement we've just launched and we're already finding it really handy. For example, you might want to stick all your bar volunteers in a group together, but have a second group for backups (in case people drop out). Previously you'd have to delete them from one group and add them to the other. Now you can just do this:

Step 1)

Find the person, click on the drop down arrow next to their name and select 'Move':

Step 2)

Select the destination for the person and click the Move button

The person will be moved to the destination you've selected. They will take their ticket(s) with them so you don't need to worry about re-issuing any tickets, or anything like that.

There are a couple of restrictions:

  • You can only move people if you're an event admin
  • You can't move people if they've got any meals. You'll have to take the meals away first, then move them.
  • You can't move people if they've got any budget assigned to them. Again, you'll have to remove this first.

We hope you find this tip useful in the run up to your events this summer.