Now in the tenth week of isolation, our thoughts are very much glued to the idea of returning to the world that we once knew. Our governments attempt to kick-start our economy back into life has left us feeling battered and confused at times but is there a glimmer of hope tapping us on the shoulder?
Since the lockdown started, we have jumped from one Zoom meeting to another, trying to maintain that stiff upper lip and having to make some of the hardest decisions we’ve had to make over the past two decades. But when the going gets tough, the tough get going and we’ve refocused some of our energies and resources into supporting a fantastic charity that is doing some amazing things for the NHS.
Before that - where are we right now? Our teams are smaller, inbound emails have been reduced to a trickle, our offices are covered in a blanket of dust and our turnover is um, not really turning over. But we have a plan. And we have to believe that everything will get back to normal - or as close to normal as it can be.
Throughout the past 2 months and after spending every waking second thinking about how we can refill the revenue pots for ourselves and our clients, we have realised that there is something much bigger going on than our own struggles. Communities have come together, organisations big and small are doing some amazing things and people from around the world are pushing themselves under difficult circumstances to achieve their goals. But closer to home, we have witnessed this unity, this shared fight through the understanding and sacrifices that our own team have made to try and establish a new structure and help preserve our company so that we have a job to go back to at the end of this roller-coaster of a ride.
We are truly grateful, humbled and inspired by these selfless acts and we want to show our appreciation to every single person who works in the NHS and for all the fantastic things that they are doing. We are delighted to be supporting the Shield NHS Project whose sole mission is to produce much needed PPE for our NHS workers up and down the UK. We will be running a series of webinars with our event organisers over the coming months and we will donate 100% of profits to this amazing cause.
Things seem pretty awful right now but we know they’re going to get better - much better. British spirit is never stronger than during a crisis and right now we’re seeing it at its finest. Festivals aren’t gone forever. Events will start happening again. People will meet up and celebrate life and friendship. And when they do, we will be right here - ready to help you get your events back to where we all want them to be.
Please help the Shield NHS Project if you can.
Stay Safe. Stay in. We can do this together.
TicketSellers x