Getting a festival right is a year-long task, planning, organising and manoeuvring everything into place. But at the very start of the process is the on-sale, and it's imperative to get this right to kick things off in style.
TheTicketSellers have many clients who publicise the date their tickets go on sale weeks in advance, to give their loyal fans time to get funds together and take advantage of cheaper early bird tickets. Port Eliot and Shambla both reported fantastic on-sales in October but there's one festival whose on-sale is an event of epic proportions in itself and it all came together on Wednesday 7th November at 7pm to produce a fantastic result. You guessed it, nearly 10,000 eager Boomtown customers were poised and ready, with Tier 1 and 2 tickets selling out in just a couple of minutes as tickets flew into baskets. 12,000 entry tickets and over 30,000 tickets in total were sold in the first few minutes and TheTicketSellers' trusty website didn't bat an eyelid.
Fastest finger first seems to be the fairest way to do this and feedback on Facebook was really positive after all the major on-sales. Needless to say the technical team at TTS are very proud of building a robust platform that will cope with such extreme traffic and congratulations to all our festivals for kicking off the 2018 season in style.