Meet the team (part 6)

Oh dear, it has been a while hasn't it? While you've been sat frantically hammering the F5 key waiting for a new article on our blog, we've been all over the country attending festival after festival. But more about our outstanding work ethic in »

Passout perfection

During discussions when planning events it's easy to focus on getting people in to the event in the first place. Reducing queuing times whilst still providing adequate security checks is a challenge which isn't going to go away any time soon. But for another challenge, namely »

TTS Plays: Movie Soundtracks

You’ve spent the weekend in a muddy field, listening to music, drinking a couple of bevvies, and staying up way past your bedtime. It’s now time to for recovery; the blessed day of rest before normal life continues. And I don’t know about you, but there’s »

Home sweet home

We've moved offices! No, not again. We moved back in September last year, but we've only just got round to talking about it. Why move? For two reasons. First, our company had previously been split between two locations. The technical team had been based in one »

Greater than the sum(mer) of its parts

We are absolutely loving summer at TheTicketSellers. Perhaps not the weather, which has been unusually rubbish even for Britain. But from a work perspective things are going really, really well. We're proud to announce that summer 2015 is our busiest ever. We're involved in so many »

Meet the team (part 5)

What's this? More people? More likes and dislikes? More slightly suspect film and music choices? It must be time for another meet the team! Liz Liz rules our office with an iron fist. Woe betide anyone who buys anything without it first being run past Liz. Once, someone »

What's app?

We're super excited about our new app which is due for release in September 2015. We don't want to say too much about it yet, but we do want your feedback to make it even more amazing. If you're running an event in August »

It's as easy as 1, 2, 3...

One of the sad truths of our modern society (at least here in the UK) is that every year we all seem to be a little bit worse off, financially speaking. Whether it's paying slightly more tax on things, or paying tax on more things, the money we »

Welcome to paradise

At 6am on 11th June, blinking in the crisp, early morning Birmingham air, our events team lugged bags of gear into the back of the X5. Despite being a decent sized 4x4, the car was soon full to the brim with camping gear, entry equipment, food, water, oh, and the »

Meet the team (part 4)

It's June, the sun is shining (sort of) and the team at TheTicketSellers is bravely starting to wear shorts and other summer attire to work. Here are two more members of our rather fantastic team for you to get to know. Harriet When she's not studying »

The Ticket Master

One of the most frequent pieces of feedback we've received about our Crew system is how time consuming it can be to move tickets around the event. Due to the way that events are configured in a hierarchy, distributing tickets to groups at the lowest levels was always »