Passbook - how to stop losing things

I've got this really serious problem that I want to tell you about. I lose things. Not important things like phones, watches, cars or children. Little things. Mostly receipts. I can lose a receipt in the time between being handed it at the checkout and exiting the shop. »

It's the small things

It's the small things that make all the difference. There are blogs dedicated [] to the small details in our every day applications. The little touches that bring them to life, make them feel more human and make them fun to use. For example, early in »

Free rides with Uber

Uber, the San Francisco based tech company currently disrupting the taxi industry launched in Birmingham on 12th February, earlier this year. Uber provides rides on demand using a combination of a smartphone app and a network of drivers in major cities around the world. The aim is to make getting »

Apple, watches and scalability

This morning, 10th April 2015 at 8:00am the Apple Watch went on sale for the first time. By 8:01am we'd bought two - a Sport model and the slightly more expensive standard model. We've resisted the pull of the £8,000+ models for now. »

Meet the team (part 2)

As promised, we are going to introduce you to more people in each of these posts. Here are two more members of the creative TTS team based in Birmingham's Jewellery Quarter. Ben Ben has worked as a software engineer at TheTicketSellers since 2014. He and his colleagues design »

Relax. We've got you covered.

We're excited about summer. Are you? We're selling for so many exciting events and festivals that our staff are chomping at the bit to get on site and start scanning tickets. Buying for an event so far in the future is exciting. You've got »

We've redecorated

If you've visited [] recently (we're sure you're on the site daily - if not more frequently) you're bound to have noticed that we've done a spot of decorating. Although we loved »

Follow the leader

We're proud of the TTS Crew system - and with good reason. Some of the best and brightest festivals in the UK (including Boomtown, Shambala, Secret Garden Party, Port Elliot Festival, Bearded Theory and Birmingham Pride) use it to manage staff at their events. We make no apology »

Know your audience

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat...whatever your social networking/messaging platform of choice is, one thing is certain - the audience is what matters. There's little point broadcasting to an empty audience (unless it's a very niche performance art project), much like there's no point »

Ticket to ride

From the early days of the internet, mankind has yearned for the ability to shorten links, save space, and make the much easier to remember. As well as making life easier for us all, short URLs are great for text messages (where space is at a premium) »

Meet the team (part 1)

Looking back it is amazing just how quickly the team has grown over the past few years. In 2011, we employed just 6 people - including the directors - and worked from a converted shop in Selly Oak. Fast forward to the present day and we have 16 full-time members »